Assistance to the Ukrainian Authorities for Improvement of the Infrastructure Cycle Management


Budget : 2,325,000 EUR
Country : Ukraine
Sector : Transport and Mobility
Dates : 2017 -
Partner : SYSTRA S.A. (France)
Funding : EU


  • Contribute to the reform of the infrastructure project cycle management, including planning, approval, procurement, implementation, and maintenance phases
  • Promote the application of modern legislative, administrative, operational, and organisational models
  • Reduce procedural and administrative obstacles to efficient and effective planning, preparation, implementation, and maintenance of infrastructure projects
  • Develop a Comprehensive Action Plan for improving the infrastructure cycle management and assist with the implementation of the priority measures
  • Facilitate legal and regulatory drafting and revise technical standards to facilitate the implementation of the Comprehensive Action Plan
  • Prepare and implement a comprehensive stakeholders communication, public awareness, and visibility programme