Consulting Services for Development of a Road Asset Management System for Tajikistan – Project Management and Technical Coordination Services


Budget : 940,000 USD
Country : Tajikistan
Sector : Transport and Mobility
Dates : 2023 -
Partner : Sole consultant
Funding : World Bank


  • Assist the MoT with establishing and strengthening the capacity of the RAMS Unit within the Digitisation Centre, including staffing and budgets
  • Prepare a strategic plan for the introduction of RAMS, building on strategic documents (e.g. Decree #706 2020 on the introduction of RAMS in Tajikistan)
  • Draft a workplan and put in place a progress monitoring and reporting system, including indicators, and prepare quarterly progress reports
  • Prepare Terms of Reference and functional requirements for the RAMS for Tajikistan
  • Calibrate the HDM-4 software and adjust it to the specific conditions of the road network in Tajikistan and requirements for maintenance planning
  • Design and deliver an awareness raising programme for the primary stakeholders on road asset management practices, including the RAMS
  • Prepare a capacity strengthening plan to create expertise in road management and maintenance practices at all levels in Tajikistan