EuroMed Regional Transport Project – Mediterranean Motorways of the Seas II


Budget : 5,950,000 EUR
Country : Mediterranean EuroMed countries
Sector : Transport and Mobility
Dates : 2010 -
Partner : ARUP (UK), Planet (Greece), Comito&Associates (Italy), and BMT (UK)
Funding : EU


  • Increase awareness of the importance of logistical processes, focusing on better linkages between ports and maritime transport
  • Promote further integration of the Motorways of the Seas network into the Trans Mediterranean Transport Network, and possibly TEN-T
  • Provide technical assistance to the beneficiaries in a variety of fields to help reduce the impact of bottlenecks hampering traffic flows
  • Support cooperation amongst private and public sector entities in trade facilitation and logistical processes
  • Support the implementation of port environment management systems reflecting national policies and strategies
  • Stimulate regulatory reforms related to port operations, maritime transport and inter-modality