Kyzylorda CNG Bus Project – Regulatory Framework Improvement Support


Budget : 250,000 EUR
Country : Kazakhstan
Sector : Transport and Mobility
Dates : 2014 -
Partner : BDC Engineering LLP
Funding : EBRD


  • Prepare a Public Transport Strategy for the city in consultation with the public and private stakeholders
  • Develop a public transport model and recommend an optimum bus route network based on extensive traffic surveys
  • Formulate a tendering strategy for routes including assistance to private operators to consolidate and establish sizeable companies to participate in route tenders
  • Prepare a performance-based Public Service Contract, including targets for performance, payments, subsidy mechanism and penalties
  • Assist with tendering of selected bus routes and facilitate contract negotiations with the preferred operator
  • Provide training to the staff of the Transport Department of the city in contract monitoring