Support to the Implementation of the Transport Strategy of Ukraine


Budget : 4,414,200 EUR
Country : Ukraine
Sector : Transport and Mobility
Dates : 2012 -
Partner : SYSTRA S.A. (France)
Funding : EU


  • Help the Ministry of Infrastructure (MoI) implement the national transport strategy of Ukraine and align it with the EU acquis and relevant international standards
  • Design a system to help the MoI implement and monitor the EU transport Sector Budget Support (SBS) of €64 million
  • Assist the MoI in preparing bi-annual monitoring reports, detailing achievements against the SBS indicators to allow the disbursement of the EU SBS funds
  • Support the identification, preparation, and planning of transport infrastructure investment projects
  • Deliver training and capacity development events to strengthen the administrative capacity of the MoI
  • Prepare and implement a comprehensive communication campaign to raise awareness of society on transport-related issues