Project Preparation Consultant for Proposed Uzbekistan Power Generation Efficiency Improvement Project


Budget : 1,380,000 USD
Country : Uzbekistan
Sector : Power and Energy
Dates : 2016 -
Partner : Mott MacDonald (UK)
Funding : ADB


  • Review sector policy, institutions, legal framework, and investment plan
  • Assess procurement and sector risks and recommend mitigation measures
  • Prepare a roadmap for the commercialization of Talimarjan Power Plant
  • Conduct technical due diligence of the proposed investment project
  • Estimate investment costs and advise on financing structure
  • Propose measures for private sector participation and investment
  • Prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
  • Conduct financial analysis and review financial management practices
  • Propose financial structure, fund flows, and disbursement mechanisms
  • Prepare design specifications and tender documents for a turnkey contract