Project Preparation of Regional Gas Transmission Efficiency Enhancement Project


Budget : 581,640 USD
Country : Uzbekistan
Sector : Power and Energy
Dates : 2019 -
Partner : Mott MacDonald (UK)
Funding : ADB


  • Review sector policy, institutions, and regulatory framework
  • Assess sector development and investment plans
  • Assess risks associated with the sector and recommend mitigation measures
  • Examine enabling PPP environment and potential for a pilot PPP in distribution
  • Conduct surveys and technical due diligence and identify least cost technology
  • Prepare and assist with the approval of the feasibility study report
  • Prepare technical specifications for inclusion in the bidding documents
  • Conduct environmental and social audit of the investment project
  • Hold public consultation and stakeholders meetings and events
  • Prepare Initial Environmental Evaluation and Environmental Impact Assessment