
Engineering and Works Supervision of Marakand-Karshi Railway Electrification Project

Review the existing corporate governance practices of the railways and generate recommendations for improving reporting and management practices Assess cost management system of the railways and introduce activity-based costing principles Advise on initiatives to maximise revenues through appropriate tariff setting and generating revenues from non-core transport services (e.g. catering and terminals) Organise formal training in

Engineering and Works Supervision of Marakand-Karshi Railway Electrification Project Read More »

Khujand Public Transport Project – Preparation of Public Transport Development Strategy

Analyse the availability and quality of public transport services Prepare city public transport model through traffic surveys Design an efficient Public Transport Route Plan Prepare a sound Public Transport Development Strategy (PTDS) Introduce competitive route tendering for bus services, including private operators Define regulatory reforms to support the implementation of the PTDS Develop an action

Khujand Public Transport Project – Preparation of Public Transport Development Strategy Read More »

Dushanbe Trolleybus – Corporate Development Programme

Make a detailed assessment of the trolleybus infrastructure and identify investment needs Identify appropriate measure to rehabilitate the power supply system to allow the optimal use of the available fleet Improve operations and maintenance planning to facilitate optimal use of resources and assets Introduce an annual business planning process to promote effective and efficient operation

Dushanbe Trolleybus – Corporate Development Programme Read More »

Kyzylorda CNG Bus Project – Regulatory Framework Improvement Support

Prepare a Public Transport Strategy for the city in consultation with the public and private stakeholders Develop a public transport model and recommend an optimum bus route network based on extensive traffic surveys Formulate a tendering strategy for routes including assistance to private operators to consolidate and establish sizeable companies to participate in route tenders

Kyzylorda CNG Bus Project – Regulatory Framework Improvement Support Read More »

Technical Assistance to the Energy Reform Support Programme in Azerbaijan

Assist the Ministry of Economy Development (MED) with administering and implementing Energy Reform Support Programme (ERSP) Design and implement a performance evaluation and monitoring system to help the MED compile regular reports on the achievements of ERSP Support the Ministry of Energy in coordinating, managing and performance monitoring of the EU-funded ERSP Support the MED

Technical Assistance to the Energy Reform Support Programme in Azerbaijan Read More »

Capacity Building for Public Sector Auditing Project in Armenia

Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the Control Chamber of the Republic of Armenia (CoC) in the context of the prevailing legal framework Develop manuals for financial and compliance audits in line with the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) and best EU practices Develop a training plan for the CoC staff on ISSAIs and

Capacity Building for Public Sector Auditing Project in Armenia Read More »